Police Station Design

Architectural Design Services
Police Look Project Description

No two communities are alike.

Each project is a unique opportunity to combine our understanding of the needs of your jurisdiction, the requirements of your police department, the impressions of the local community, and our experience and expertise.

A leader in planning and design of facilities for public safety services. We have design and construction experience in more than $100,000,000 of law enforcement and public safety facilities. We maintain relationships with industry experts in public safety to help you and your community develop the best and most effective services available.

Experience with CALEA standards, IACP guidelines, CPTED principles, and other relevant criteria. Our philosophy supports the value of professional standards. We understand the relevance and intent of these standards and can help your agency maintain or attain the appropriate level of services for your community.

Expertise with cost conscious creativity. Nationally recognized with over a hundred design awards while staying an average of 2% under budget, you can have confidence that our team will help you create a project that is not affordable, iconic, and a proud asset to your community.

We listen! We communicate constantly. Our ability to listen and assimilate different voices is a fundamental ingredient for the success of this project. We are experienced in participating in council, community, and administration presentations that are essential for overall “buy-in,” approval, and community support.

SPD Side View

The City of Sharonville Police Department has been operating out of an outdated and undersized facility within it municipal building. MSA initially was engaged by the city to develop a feasibility study for a shared police and fire facility. Ultimately, a standalone police facility was envisioned and MSA subsequently worked with the police department to revise and update the programmatic requirements accordingly. Once a preliminary site was selected, MSA reviewed the site parameters and developed a conceptual test-fit plan in order to verify the suitability for the project, allowing the city to confidently acquire the property for its new police station.

Once the project was funded and approve by City Council, MSA conducted a benchmarking process, including facility walk-throughs of other similarly sized department facilities, to refine the program of requirements and developed a concept design. Due to budget constraints, the new facility will be highly efficient yet will incorporate concepts of openness and flexibility & is designed to allow future expansion through building additions. Simple in form, the design incorporates inexpensive yet durable, low-maintenance materials to create a clean, modern, and forward-thinking civic design for the city.

Dublin Safety Exterior

The Dublin Justice Center houses all law enforcement and judicial services of the City. The police department and dispatch functions have increased over the last decade to the point where their current facilities no longer support their needs. In addition, the city is planning a regional PSAP, which will require additional upgrades to the communications center. MSA conducted a needs assessment and feasibility study to determine the police department’s functional and space requirement and to develop options for the expansion of the Justice Center to meet the needs of its police and communications operations.

The planning analysis revealed that the major areas of need revolve around improved flow and operations for patrol officers, expanded facilities for investigations, an enlarged communications center, and a reorganized public entrance to facilitate public interaction and access to with the police department and the courts while maintaining proper security and access control.

MSA prepared design options that focused on improving the operational efficiency of the existing facility and accommodating the increased needs of the department. The final design option focuses on the construction of a new two-story addition adjacent to the existing department to house patrol and investigations functions, thus allowing better reorganization and expansion of the communications, administrative, and public interface areas. Ultimately, more effective working environments are created for all aspects of the police department.

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MSA assisted the City of Cincinnati Police Department District 3 Station in the evaluation of over 16 sites and coordinated input from community meetings, utilities, and various city agencies including real estate, planning & zoning, economic development, environmental quality, and others. While the site selection process was taking place, MSA worked with the Police Department to develop a needs analysis and functional program for the new station. Technical building criteria were also developed to ensure a safe, secure, highly efficient building. The design criteria were developed in a way that allowed maximum design freedom while protecting the interests of the City and the Police Department and ensuring a facility that promotes principals of community policing, neighborhood redevelopment and form-based codes, and efficient and flexible service delivery to set up the department to function out of this building and site for the next fifty years and beyond.

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Located on the corner of Vine Street and Mitchell Avenue, the new St. Bernard Public Safety Center is a prominent feature in the Village of St. Bernard. The 32,000 sf building houses the fire department and police department, and provides an Emergency Operations Center for the Village. The fire department will use 3 pull-through bays for their apparatus, a mezzanine for training, a hose tower, living quarters and offices on the first floor. The police department will use offices, evidence processing, and a temporary holding facility on the first floor as well. A shared fitness facility, conference room and the Emergency Operations Center are located in the basement. The E.O.C. will be used for community functions in addition to emergency operations.

St Bern Side
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West Chester Public Safety Main

Design for the new Fire Headquarters, located on the new Public Safety Campus, includes a complete analysis of the space needs and programmatic elements required by the department to provide the level of service mandated by the Township officials. The Headquarters includes 5 drive-through apparatus bays with one additional front-entry bay, as well as support spaces for administration and public interactions and residential quarters for up to 14 full-time firefighters. The building establishes a strong presence at the street-front by means of a series of towers associated with various functions within the facility. The 35,000 SF facility consists of a 9,000 SF apparatus bay, apparatus support spaces, administration offices, residential quarters, training facilities including a three story tower accessible from three sides and a second story loft area overlooking the interior of the apparatus bay.

The design services for the new Communications Center include a complete analysis of the space needs and programmatic elements required by the department to provide the level of service mandated by the Township officials. MSA developed a building and site design taking advantage of the existing topography to effectively shield the building from daily public exposure and protect it from potential danger. The EOC is outfitted with the state-of-the-art communications technology and is designed to accommodate changes and upgrades. It’s a 14,800 SF facility that includes a 1,600 SF IT garage, IT offices, Emergency Dispatch/EOC and associated support spaces.

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